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Mosquito Control


Unfortunately, we’re all aware of the nuisance mosquitoes can be when outdoors. The buzzing and biting can become annoying quickly, making you want to cut your time outside short. The itchy red bumps can last for days after being bitten and can cause discomfort. Mosquitoes can also be problematic as they are known carriers of parasites and viruses like West Nile and Malaria.


Both residential and commercial properties are at risk for mosquito infestations. Standing water in flower pots, birdbaths, ponds, poor drainage, clogged gutters, and containers even as small as a bottle cap can all provide mosquitoes with enough water to lay their eggs. 


Addressing the sources that could attract mosquitoes is helpful in defending your home against future infestations, but it’s not enough to completely protect you and your property.  Candles and over-the-counter repellants might work temporarily but aren’t as reliable as professional mosquito control services. 

Scissortail Pest Control offers affordable and effective mosquito control treatments that are more than a barrier or repellent. It controls mosquito colonies, benefitting all types of areas and events, including:

  • Homes

  • Restaurants

  • Apartment buildings

  • Weddings venues & other outdoor events

  • Commercial properties

  • Schools

  • Parks​


 After the inspection, our mosquito control treatment is applied to your property to quickly and effectively rid your yard of mosquitos

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